Garbage Disposal Blogs (Page 4)

Replacing a garbage disposal switch is a tricky task. Just as much you wish to avoid doing the electrical work, at one point or another you will have to replace the switch to save yourself the electrician costs. How to replace a garbage disposal switch at home? With thorough learningContinue Reading

never put corn husks in drain

Garbage disposal is a delicate machine. While it is expensive, it is also hectic work to replace it every now and then. And the need to replace will occur often if you don’t use it properly and abuse it with unusual food items. Garbage disposals are meant to operate inContinue Reading

do eggshells go in the garbage disposal

Garbage disposal and drainpipes are a vulnerable part of your house that requires some extra care. While garbage disposals make your work in the kitchen easier, they can also cause additional hectic work if not used properly. When you are spending money on buying disposal, you ought to spend someContinue Reading

what should you not to do when using garbage disposal

Operating garbage disposal is not a tricky task, but it does require some getting used to it. There are several common problems that occur in garbage disposal. They occur due to minor inconvenience in the grinding components or sometimes a bigger problem can be due to a defective part thatContinue Reading

Is Your Home Waste Hazardous? Hazardous waste is the wastes that cannot be disposed of like regular wastes. Throwing such waste down the drain or in the bin can damage the environment and have a severe impact on human health. Hence it is essential to monitor the type of hazardousContinue Reading

best way to throw away styrofoam

The Styrofoam material finds wide usage in many areas and settings. These include the manufacture of mattresses, building insulation boards, and a host of other thermal insulation items. With time, these items become obsolete and in need of disposal. There is a catch, however. Styrofoam is a substance that isContinue Reading