The innovative garbage disposal has been a great innovation for renters and homeowners globally. It offers a quick and hygienic way to get rid of food particles, keeping dustbins lighter and free from overflowing. Due to their simplicity and solid construction, disposals are workhorses, hypothetically crashing frequently. However, this susceptibleContinue Reading

A typical household will generate a lot of waste on a daily basis. Every time you prepare food you need to peel vegetables or fruits. When you finish eating, there are leftovers, which you will need to dispose of. Every time you buy something from the supermarket, it comes inContinue Reading

Not everything is supposed to go down a garbage disposal. Quite the contrary. Some items are the best suit for the garbage bin if you hope to get more service out of your appliance. Which brings us to the subject at hand, how long do garbage disposals last?   HowContinue Reading

How does a garbage disposal work is a frequent question that many homeowners ask when enquiring about garbage disposal. Invented in 1927 by John Hammes, the garbage disposal is a device that uses electricity to run. It is installed in the kitchen under the kitchen sink between the trap andContinue Reading

Garbage disposal is a convenient appliance that eliminates waste in your kitchen and keeps the sink tidy and clean. However, continual use of this appliance can lead to foul odors. The unpleasant odors emanate from spoiled food and bacteria accumulated over time in the bowels of the disposal. If youContinue Reading

The rate of dependency on garbage disposal units has risen over the years since their invention. They have brought such a tremendous improvement in both personal hygiene and environmental cleanliness. Garbage disposal units have maintained their design over the years. With a few modern tweaks, they have become one ofContinue Reading

When buying a new garbage disposal, one needs to consider a few things before settling for one. One of the characteristics you search for is whether the garbage disposal has a powerful motor, has a warranty, will be compatible with your sewer system, and will be durable enough to serveContinue Reading

Running a household without garbage disposal facilities would be a nightmare. You would find it very difficult to get rid of the waste you generate. Like any other functional piece of equipment in your house, you need to take care of it well. It is, therefore, critical that you learn how to use aContinue Reading

The garbage disposal is arguably one of your most important tools in the kitchen. Garbage disposal helps you get rid of garbage so that you can have a clean and sparkling kitchen. As the name suggests, the garbage disposal is a tool for throwing garbage; however, not all kinds ofContinue Reading